Restore Critical Services and Protect Taxpayer Dollars

Restore Critical Services and Protect Taxpayer Dollars
Atlanta, GA
Settlement Increase for Grady Hospital in Atlanta, GA

Restore Critical Services and Protect Taxpayer Dollars

Atlanta, GA
Settlement Increase for Grady Hospital in Atlanta, GA

Because Ironclaim was involved from the start, we wereable to develop a game plan to ensure a quick and comprehensive claimprocess. A representative for the university says, “Not only did you overdeliveron your ability to navigate our settlements, you kept excellent dialogue withthe insurance companies, educating them on the appropriate coverageapplications for our policies.” Ultimately, Ironclaim was able to increase thesettlement by more than 50%.

In March 2008 an EF-2 tornado hit downtown Atlanta, damaging thelargest hospital in the state of Georgia. After an extensive state bid andreview process, Ironclaim was selected to manage the claim. The originalsettlement offer from Fireman’s Fund was $800,000 but Ironclaim wasable to negotiate a settlement of $3.2 million. The client says that, “Yourfirm’s excellent ability to manage risk relations during a trying timeallowed us to put our facility back on track, which was paramount to usregaining our footing.”

When a leak in a fourth-floor bathroom unit caused damage to 32 otherrooms, this hotel reached out to Ironclaim to help. We were able to get
the insurance company to replace the carpeting not only in the affectedhallway, but also in the unaffected parts of the building too. Plus, we hadall carpeting replaced in the 32 affected rooms, reversing a decision initiallymade by the carrier.